"No more impunity"
In Alex Sastoque's artwork entitled "No more impunity", two trees that are contrary in their messages are depicted in the shape of an atomic explosion. One of them is a manifestation of the agony and suffering brought by war and sexual violence, and the other shows us a harmonic and illuminated image. Alex’s message is crucial: there cannot be peace, nor can the wellbeing – in all senses of the word- of humankind be guaranteed whilst a culture of violence that for the large part is directed at women continues to exist. Although brutal in its visual honesty, Alex’s message is crucial: It is time to say ‘No more impunity’! And it is time to adopt a position of intolerance towards those persons, whom, ignoring women’s right to physical integrity and to life itself, have committed grave violations and abuses against humanity.
By: Teémar Kidane
United Nations employee (ONU/ACNUR)
No more impunity
Alex Sastoque
Oil on cloth
140 x 100 cm